title: ‘Console Debugging’ description: ‘Master the art of debugging with browser console tools and streamline error resolution with Softgen.ai’ keywords: [‘Console Debugging’, ‘Browser Tools’, ‘Error Resolution’] author: ‘Softgen.ai Developer Team’

How to Debug in the Browser Console

  1. Open Developer Tools:

    • Right-click on the webpage and select “Inspect” or press Ctrl+Shift+I (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Option+I (Mac).
  2. Navigate to the Console Tab:

    • Click on the “Console” tab to view any errors or logs.
  3. Identify Errors:

    • Look for red error messages that indicate issues in your code.
  4. Copy Error Messages:

    • Select the error message, right-click, and choose “Copy”.
  5. Use Softgen.ai for Resolution:

    • Paste the copied error message into the Softgen.ai chat.
    • Softgen.ai will analyze and provide solutions to resolve the error.

Video Tutorial